The College of Religion in Beit bHanina/b? All built by Jews for Arabs in the vain hope that education would end the terror. But all that happened was that terror increased. Lack of education is a leftist excuse for not having to face reality. b..../b Israel didn't evacuate ?much of its population?; people primarily took short bvacations/b from the north on their own accord and then came back. In any case, that was a one-month thing, not 8 years of having to endure rocket fire, ...
Sponsors include: The Arab-American Community Center for Economic and Social Services, AACCESS-Ohio; The Arab American Institute; the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee; Beit bHanina/b Social Club; the Council on b...../b Take the case of Julia Shearson, an American citizen who was handcuffed and detained while returning from a weekend bvacation/b at the Canadian border in January 2006 when her name triggered an "armed and dangerous" alert on the Border Patrol console. ...